
Club Membership

As the new season begins, Argideen Rangers GAA membership is now due. The club asks that you please pay via the Club app which can be downloaded from your App Store (search Argideen Rangers GAA). Players are not insured and not eligible to play until membership is paid and we would be very grateful if it could be paid by January 31st. Rates have remained unchanged for the past 4 years with discounted packages for juveniles, students and families with or without lotto and gym membership. Membership rates for the coming year can be viewed on the document below.

2025 Membership.pdf

Please contact  club Registrar Joe Doyle, (Mobile: 087 328 2456) if you have any questions or help with the app or paying membership.

Please note access to Gym is strictly limited to over 16’s

Gym fobs available from Emmett Harrington on 086 7871358

Kids Birthday Parties; Book the Astroturf for two hours and have use of the kitchen & meeting room for the party (Telephone Donie on 086 8734711 to book)


Lights 1 hour €40

No lights 1 hour €20



Club gear is available to buy from Cathal Dineen or through the O’ Neill’s Sportswear website.  



Anyone who plays for the club is required to be a member in order to be covered by club insurance.  The membership fee helps toward the club’s administration costs, insurance costs, purchase of gym equipment, upkeep of gym and grounds. 

Benefits of membership:

  1. Four adult teams and numerous underage teams to play with. 

  2. Various membership options including or excluding gym.

  3.  Text notifications on WhatsApp/SMS if required. 

  4.  Club members will have first preference on any All-Ireland tickets. 

  5.  Members have an active say in how the club is run with club voting rights.

  6. Club gear, etc