Community notes June 13th
June 10, 2020
Major Meitheal – CleanUpMolaga Tidy Towns organise a big clean up each year in Springtime. This year the usual programme is not going according to plan. However, a big KWD Clean Up is planned for th..
Community Notes June 6th
June 02, 2020
Molaga Tidy TownsWhile this year’s national tidy towns competition has had to be postponed, the work of the local tidy towns association continues as before. On Tuesday evening next, a meitheal will..
Community Notes May 30th
June 02, 2020
The Wearing of SnoodsWhat are snoods and what is this all about? Last week there was a list of recipients of Cork County Council’s Covid 19 Emergency Funding published. A number of local groups were..
Community notes May 23rd
May 19, 2020
Fundraising Exceeds All ExpectationsLast weekend Argideen Rangers GAA club organised a community fundraiser where participants were invited to "Clock up the Kilometres". From early Friday morning to l..
Community Fundraiser May 15th - 17th
May 14, 2020
Clock Up the KilometresThis charity initiative by Argideen Rangers GAA club will swing into action this week-end, May 15th 17th. The club is issuing an open invitation to all to feel free to particip..