League action
May 26, 2023
Argideen Rangers suffered a home football league defeat to Aghinagh on a scoreline of 3-15 to 0-7 last Sunday morning. The less said about this disappointing performance the better. On Friday night la..
Community notes May 27th
May 26, 2023
First Holy CommunionFirst Holy Communion was celebrated at Timoleague on Saturday last. The weather was at its best as some 18 second class children received the sacrament. They were joined on the spe..
Community notes May 20th
May 17, 2023
Resurfacing WorksMill Hill has been resurfaced since last week. This major work was carried out in record time and with minimum inconvenience to the general public. All the roads in the village, Mill ..
Hurling legue
May 17, 2023
Hurling League vWatergrasshillArgideen Rangers travelled to Watergrasshill last Sunday morning to play the local side in the RED FM Division 5 hurling league. The visitors were quickly out of the trap..
Lotto results
May 17, 2023
There was no winner of the Argideen Rangers GAA lottery jackpot of €18,150 when the draw was held last Sunday night. The numbers drawn were 8, 13, 20 and 32. Consolation prizes of €30 each were wo..
Community notes May 13th
May 15, 2023
Community AssociationThe Annual General Meeting of Timoleague Community Association will take place on Tuesday 30th May in the Community Buildings at 8.30pm.A vacancy has arisen for a Director of the ..