GAA action
February 08, 2022
Argideen Rangers club members have been busy on the GAA fields of late. Many have been involved with their various secondary schools or third level colleges. Darragh O' Donovan (UCD) and Matthew Lawto..
Community Notes Feb 12th
February 08, 2022
100 Years AgoCapt. Cecil Henry Fox had a distinguished naval career during World War 1. At the beginning of the war, he was the officer commanding The Amphion which was blown up by a German mine. He w..
Lotto results Feb 6th
February 08, 2022
There was no winner of the Argideen Rangers lottery jackpot of €8,250 when the draw was held on Sunday night last. The numbers drawn were 9, 21 ,27 and 32. Consolation prizes of €30 each were won ..
Community notes Feb 5th
February 01, 2022
100Years AgoLast week I made reference to the gradual transfer of power from the English to the Irish during December 1921 and January 1922. On December 18th. 1921, General Sir Nevil Macready, Command..
Ibane Gaels AGM
February 01, 2022
The annual general meeting of Ibane Gaels will be held at Courtmacsherry Community Hall on Thursday night, Feb. 3rd. at 8.30pm. Annual meetings are important events and these occasions afford supporte..