Community Notes Aug 28th
August 24, 2021
Timoleague Railway
Some time ago I made mention of some of the local people that were employed by the railway company. Michael O’Brien of Mill Street joined the company on April 1st. 1912 as a cleaner in his youth and was promoted to fireman having being made a permanent employee on the 1st. of February 1919. His brother John was employed as station master at Courtmacsherry before his transfer to Ballineen.They were uncles of Mrs. Tessie Madden of Main Street.
Jack Moore of Main Street was an engine driver. When he retired after long service, he was tragically killed by the inspection car as he walked on the line near Inchybridge. Miss Lil Moore was the last of that family to live in the family home at Main Street. The house is now owned by Frank Coomey.Jack may have been the train driver in the photograph “Transport Rivals Meet at Timoleague”. Timothy O’Donovan of Courtmacsherry was employed as a guard is also in that iconic photo (looking out of the guard’s van) and was affectionately known as “Thady The Guard” He was the grandfather of Una Cox of Courtmacsherry.
Mass Changes at Clogagh and Timoleague
A number of local parishes have been grouped together as there is a shortage of serving priests. This means that the priests of our Family of Parishes namely Clonakilty, Timoleague, Barryroe, Rosscarbery and Kilmeen will co-ordinate and work together to serve the people Indeed such changes were coming down the track for a long time in any case. The number of masses in Timoleague parish will be reduced from three to two.
The mass in Clogagh on Sunday morning will now be transferred to the vigil on Saturday evening at 6pm. Mass in Timoleague on Sunday morning will remain the same at 11.30am. Similar changes are taking place in all the other parishes of our Family of Parishes.
This new rota of masses will come into operation for the first time on Saturday/Sunday 4th and 5th September. This means that the last Sunday mass will take place in Clogagh on Sunday 29th August. This is indeed sad. But the consolation is that there will be mass there on the vigil, Saturday at 6pm.
The new rota with its reduced number of masses means that all the masses can now be said by the priests who are already living in the Family of Parishes on any given week-end. There will no longer be any need to go looking for a substitute if any priest is absent for any reason. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find a substitute. For example, Frs. Leonard O’Brien and Eddie Collins have gone to their reward. R.I.P. Unlike the football teams we have no bench! We have only one seminarian or young man preparing for the priesthood, namely, Ronan Sheehan, from Newcestown.
Priests will remain in their own parishes for 3 out of 4 week-ends but on 1 week-end they will go out to the other parishes. This will provide a little variety for both priest and people. This new rota has been agreed upon by all the priests of our Family of Parishes after some discussion and prayer. Sanction has been given by Bishop Fintan. This rota is being given a trial run for just one year.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorie
Marian Pilgrimages have organised a 7 night pilgrimage to Medjugorje on 1st September. This trip is for fully vaccinated people. The flight will depart Cork on the afternoon of the 1st. flying direct to Mostar Airport. This is the first occasion that Mostar Airport will be used for these pilgrimages. Its faster and safer as Mostar is only 30 minutes from Medjugorje and is in the same country. Those who have travelled before on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje will no doubt be familiar with a flight to Dubrovnik which is in Croatian resulting in major problems crossing land borders.
It is understandable that many people may be afraid of travel at this time. The group travelling will keep to themselves but do the full pilgrimage. Please make certain that your passport is valid and that you have your covid certificate.
Further information can be had by contacting Gerald Madden at (086)3666514.