Community Notes April 2nd
March 31, 2022
Timoleague National School
Timoleague NS had great success at Feis Maitiu 2022. Feis Maitiú is a Music and Drama Festival which is held each year at The Father Mathew Hall, in the centre of Cork City. In contrast to other years, the adjudicators travelled to us in Timoleague on Tuesday March 29th. We entered three categories, 1st and 2nd class came in 2nd place with a Distinction in Action Verse Under 8 years and under, 2nd & 3rd class came in 1st place in Action Verse and 4th class came in 1st place in Choral Speaking. Congratulations to Anne Marie Kelly, Yvonne Desmond, Niamh Nyhan, Ann Marie O'Driscoll, Teresa O'Donovan and Pam Golden who supported the children in their preparations and especially to the children themselves who were a credit to the school and their families.
Easter Egg Hunt
An Easter Egg Hunt will take place in the grounds of both churches in the parish on Easter Sunday, March 17th next.It will take place in Clogagh after the 10am mass on Sunday and later in Timoleague after the 11.30am mass. This novelty event was introduced by the Parish council a number of years ago and it has proved an outstanding success and is eagerly looked forward to each Easter. Unfortunately, it has not been held of late due to restrictions that have been imposed, but it is back this year and will be bigger and better than ever.
It is confined to children under 14 years and great fun is assured. An open invitation is extended to all of the younger generation to participate. Rules will be provided on the day.
Croagh Patrick Climb
Gerard Madden will be joined by Ogie Crowley and John Martin Hurley on Saturday next, April 2nd as they climb The Reek with Charlie Bird. The local Timoleague climb around The Abbeymahon Loop will take place on Sunday April 10th. Those who wish to participate are asked to meet at the car-park under The Abbey at 3pm.Contributions can be made through a Go Fund Me page or by contacting Ger, Ogie or John Martin directly. Contributions can also be made on the day and all money raised will go to Motor Neuron Ireland.
Bishop’s Visit
Bishop of Cork and Ross, Fintan Gavin visited Timooleague parish on Saturday and Sunday last week. He officiated at mass at Clogagh and Timoleague and after the ceremonies mingled with the parishioners in brilliant sunshine. In his homily, he outlined the challenges that the church faces and said that with the lack of vocations to the priesthood, parishes would have to join together as some eight priests are now at retirement age and no replacements are to hand. He thanked parish priest Fr. Hickey and his teams of lay volunteers who help out at masses each week-end.