Community Notes April 9th
April 18, 2022
Climb with Charlie
Three fit, upright and kind hearted young men left our hamlet to journey to Co. Mayo last week-end to join Charlie Bird in his fundraising climb of Croagh Patrick. Gerard Madden, Ogie Crowley and John Martin Hurley mixed with the great and the good for this most worthy cause and the weather did not disappoint either as they took on The Reek. Well done to all those who participated in the climb.
On Sunday next, April 10th. a local climb along The Abbeymahon Loop walk will be held as Timoleague’s contribution to the national fundraiser of last week-end. Those interested in participating are asked to congregate under the Abbey near the car-parking area for a 3pm start. Walkers have a choice of two routes. The more athletic can tackle the hill at Abbeymahon, turning right at the entrance to John Martin Hurley’s home and continuing on with an exit on to the main Timoleague -Courtmacsherry road. Others might prefer a less challenging saunter and they can continue on straight and not take a right turn at Hurley’s entrance. The exit will be at Peter’s Point.
Sponsorship and donations can be given to any of the three amigos, Ger, Ogie or John Martin. There is also a Go Fund Me page on Facebook which can also be used. All money raised will go to Motor Neuron Ireland. “Buen camino”
Easter Ceremonies
On Palm Sunday, 10th April, the Vigil mass at Clogagh will be celebrated on Saturday at 6pm with the usual Timoleague mass on Sunday at 11.30am. Palms will be available at both church doors. Confessions will be heard at Timoleague on Tuesday April 12th. at 7pm.
On Holy Thursday, April 14th. evening Mass of the Lord's Supper will be at Timoleague at 8pm. On Good FridayStations of the Cross will be in Timoleague at 12 noon. Celebration of the Lord's Passion will be held at Clogagh at 3pm.
Easter envelopes together with Spring Station envelopes are being delivered by members of the Parish Council during the week.