Community notes April 30th
April 27, 2022
Marymount Fundraiser
Just a reminder that there will be a coffee morning held in aid of Marymount Hospice on Saturday next, April 30th in the home of Mo Tobin at Ballycatten. Mo is hosting the event in appreciation of the wonderful care her late husband Jim received there. It will run from 11am to 4pm. All are welcome and support would be greatly appreciated.
Tidy Towns Litter Pick
Timoleague Tidy Towns wishes to thank all those who helped in the recent annual litter pick on the approach roads to the village. The amount of litter collected makes one wonder why so many are so careless and show little regard for the beautiful area in which we live. It was nice to see the young and the not so young involved in this great community event and long may it continue. A big thank you also to those who collected the large plastic bags which were filled to capacity with the unwanted waste product.
Street Resurfacing
The street surface of Main Street Timoleague has been completely transformed. A new surface has been laid and when one considers that a similar job has already been completed at Mill Street, a Formula 1 Grand Prix would not be out of place through the two village streets. Arkil, the main contractors have done a super job and despite some inconvenience suffered by residents and motorists, the end product has been worth the wait.