Community notes May 28th
May 24, 2022
First Holy Communion
Twenty- two young girls and boys received their first holy communion at Timoleague Parish church on Saturday morning last. The interior of the church was beautifully decorated with art work done by the first communicants over the past number of weeks as they busily prepared for their big day under the expert guidance of their teachers Miss Kelly and Miss Nyhan. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Patrick Hickey PP. Music was provided by Mary Collins and the first communion class sang a number of hymns during the ceremony which were well received by proud families and friends.
Tidy Towns
Members of Timoleague Tidy Towns are busy at present in and around the village. Each Tuesday night members gather for a meitheal as the deadline for adjudication looms close. Householders are asked to pay extra attention to the public areas near their homes, particularly in regard to litter and some unwelcomed weeds that need no encouragement to propagate and prosper in the most unlikely locations. If you have an hour to spare on a Tuesday night, why not come along and join other like- minded people who strive to make our village the prize- winning hamlet that it is. If you cannot come along on the designated Tuesday night, another night of your choice is always an option. Flower boxes on the Bandon and Courtmacsherry Bridges are in place as are the hanging baskets by the church steps at Main Street.