Community notes Aug 27th
August 24, 2022
Festival Concludes
The new look Timoleague Harvest Festival concluded on Sunday night last. The organisers put an enormous amount of work and effort into introducing a new look festival this year. The Dome which was a feature of the annual festival at Timoleague for many years was dispensed with and a more family friendly programme was to the fore during the ten days. The weather was ideal and all the events were very well supported by locals and visitors alike. The organising committee wish to thank all who supported the festival in any way and also wish to convey thanks to the countless volunteers who ensured that all events ran smoothly and safely during the week.
The music on the streets over the two week-ends proved a great success and the fine weather and great music added to the enjoyment of the masses. Pat Fitz on Saturday night was a most attractive act and his popularity was evident by the large attendance. Earlier that night “Host” was very well supported in the Community Hall.
The concert by Mike Denver in Timoleague Parish Church was a sell-out event and all those in attendance were loud in their praise of both the artist and the venue.
The final event on the closing night was the adult fancy dress parade. This never disappoints and this year’s parade was of the highest quality with a number of local themes highlighted by the participants.
At the official opening of the festival on the first Sunday night, Sean Deasy, festival chairperson highlighted the extraordinary community spirit that prevails in Timoleague and remarked that is what makes Timoleague Harvest Festival so special and successful. The present committee publicly acknowledged the extraordinary contribution made by Donie O’Callaghan to the festival over the past 50 years and he was the recipient of an award, so richly deserved.
On Monday night, Mc Fadden’s Funfair had a special cut price night and this was especially welcomed by children and more so perhaps by their parents. This brought the curtain down on a most successful Timoleague Harvest Festival 2022. As I pen these notes, Mc Fadden’s are packing up at The Green and as the trucks exit the village, normality will slowly return and preparations for a return to school will become the new reality. Such is life.
Bicentenial of Clogagh Church
St. Moluda’s Church, Clogagh will celebrate its remarkable 200th anniversary on next Thursday, Aug. 25th. Fr. Hickey PP will celebrate mass at 8pm and this will be followed by light refreshments in the adjoining hall. An open invitation is extended to all.
Duck Race
The annual duck race organised by Timoleague Tidy Towns Association will take place on Saturday next, August 27th. at 7pm. The date and time are dictated by the tide. This fundraising event is just one of two that the local tidy towns committee organise during the year. The funds generated from the duck race is primarily used to pay the insurance for the pontoon by the bridge. While the use of the pontoon is gaining in popularity, none the less, insurance has to be procured so that the officers of the tidy towns will be indemnified in the event of an accident of any kind. If you haven’t bought a duck, there will be a final opportunity to get one as the last few ducks will be on sale under The Abbey prior to the race.
Table Quiz
Argideen Rangers GAA club held a very enjoyable table quiz last week in Pad Joe's and Charlie Madden's Bar with all proceeds going to Timoleague Community. Over 52 teams took part and the winning team was Aidan Harte, Niall Harte, Anthony Keohane and Brendan Ronayne. A total of €2660 was donated to the Timoleague Community Association.