Ibane Gaels
September 21, 2022
Ibane Gaels U15 hurlers have had a progressive year with recent championship games against Aghada, Balinora, Mallow and Shandrum. They played out a cracking county semi-final game against St. Colmans last Sunday morning in Bishopstown. The Cloyne/Russell Rovers combination won by 5-14 to 3-17 and progressed to the Premier 2 county final. The Ibane panel switch their attention to football on Saturday 24th with a championship game against Na Piarsaigh in Kilmurry at 2pm.
Ibane Gaels U17 hurlers beat Newcestown last Friday evening and have qualified to play Ahán Gaels in the divisional final on Saturday 24th. Throw in is at 3:30pm in Clonakilty with support greatly appreciated.