Community notes Nov 19th
November 16, 2022
Tidy Towns Report Contd.
The report states that “the map provided with your Entry Form, which is based on an original ordnance survey sheet is good in that itseparately identifies the main landmarks of the village and the various works undertaken by the committee over thelast year and these are colour coded. This is further subdivided into new projects, ongoing maintenance and futureprojects. The adjudicator feels that the numbering system whilst a little complicated works well. However, it wassometimes hard to decipher some of the numbers on the map and perhaps a larger A3 size map could be providedin the future and the project listings can be included on the map as well, if space is available. This facilitates theassessment process on site.
The quality of the application form is very good and the adjudicator was impressed with all the wonderfulphotographs and relevant information provided under each of the categories, which were very informative. Theadjudicator’s assessment is based on a recent site visit and the contents of the application form. The form whichextends to a total of 140 pages is too long and perhaps it would be better to include the photographs and
illustrations on a separate document so the form itself can be reduced to 30-40 pages max. The text inserted on theform which is generally in bold font was quite easy to read”.Streetscape & Public Places:
“The main projects referred to under this category include various restoration works underway in relation toexisting heritage buildings in Timoleague and upgrading of public spaces, road surfaces and street signage. Wewish you well with the building works on the new Community Hall, due to be completed in early 2023. You are alsotaking steps with property owners to deal with a derelict site in the village.
Your adjudicator visited Timoleague Village for the first time on a sunny and warm morning in July. MillStreet was looking resplendent with many fine residential buildings here providing a very colourful welcome to yourvillage. The parking of cars on Mill Street which is quite narrow takes up a lot of space and no doubt this createsdifficulties for traffic movements from time to time. Perhaps this issue will be considered and addressed as part of
your proposals for the Timoleague Village Improvement Scheme. Road surfaces and markings along Mill Street andon Main Street were in tip top condition. The adjudicator admired the recycled plastic seating, nicely designedfingerpost signage, attractive pollinator planting located at the junction of Mill Street and Abbey Street. The nearbysite displaying the St. Molaga sculpture (with the sheaf of wheat and lit candle) together with the information signagehere, was greatly admired. The seating area was neat and tidy and presented to an excellent standard.
Timoleague Main Street is characterised by wonderfully colourful well-presented dwellings and commercialpremises. The overhead wires and poles detract somewhat from the streetscape but no doubt this issue will beaddressed as part of any future Village Improvement Scheme.
Pad Joe’s bar provides a very colourful addition to the streetscape along Abbey Street and the outdoordining area here looked very well. The corner seating area at the end of Abbey Street with nicely painted waterpump and floral display also enhanced this area.”
Christmas Concert
A fundraising concert will be held in Timoleague on Friday December 9th next in aid of both village churches. As readers may know major restoration work has been done (and more to be undertaken) on The Church of The Ascension. Ground works have been completed at the entrance to The Church of The Nativity of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Both are now in need of a helping hand. A unique community event of music and song will take place at The Church of The Nativity of The Blessed Virgin Mary featuring the Glaslinn Choir from Bandon. Also featuring will be Valley Voices together with The Bandon Grammar School Choir and the Choir of Timoleague National School.
There will be no tickets on sale for this festive concert, but donations will be greatly received and appreciated.