Community notes Jan 14th
January 11, 2023
A New Year Begins
Christmas 2022 has come to an end with the removal of the trappings associated with the festive season. A local group of dedicated community volunteers removed the Christmas lights from the village streets. The crib which was at The Cross in the village centre is once more put in storage and the large Christmas tree has also been removed for shredding. The decrease in brightness is noticeable but the eye will adjust to the standard lighting that was on offer before Christmas.
Tidy Towns Report
The following is a continuation of the adjudicator’s report onTimoleague in the Tidy Towns Competition 2022.
Tidiness and Litter Control: “In relation to tidiness, it is noted that Molaga Tidy Towns have prided themselves in keeping the village andsurrounding areas tidy and litter free. We wish you well with your plans under the Village Renewal Scheme 2023 toupgrade your footpaths in the village.You organise annual litter picks and engage with Cork County Council in relation to the disposal ofcollected material and the Council also undertakes a mechanical sweep of the village a number of times a year. Youalso organised a KWD county clean up in April of this year and have organised the erection of anti-dog foulingsigns. The adjudicator was particularly impressed with the “Picker Pals” cross generational initiative with the localsigns. The adjudicator was particularly impressed with the “Picker Pals” cross generational initiative with the localschool.On the day of adjudication, the village was entirely litter free except for a very small amount noticed in thevicinity of the Abbey.
Residential Streets & Housing Areas: Thank you for the photos showing examples of the work undertaken to maintain to a high standard the
residential properties in Timoleague and it was noted that most residents take great pride in the exterior of theirbuildings, keeping them freshly painted and adding floral displays during the summer season. The recent roadre-surfacing works have really enhanced the presentation of residential streets along Mill Street and Main Street inthe village. The Chapel Avenue Estate was visited and the wonderful views from this estate across the village rooftops
and Abbey, towards Courtmacsherry Bay were greatly admired. The open space here is maintained to a very goodstandard and the buttercups which were in full flower were particularly pleasing. Private dwellings and gardens inthis estate were very well presented.”