Community notes Jan 21st
January 18, 2023
Timoleague NS Success at the RDS
Congratulations to Mrs McCarthy and 6th class who were awarded the prestigious Primary Science Fair plaque at the BT Young Scientist & Technology exhibition in the RDS Dublin on Friday January 13th. Timoleague NS were one of only 35 schools countrywide who reached the RDS this year.
Inspired by our school's location on the estuary in Timoleague, their project is called "What we put into our water has consequences". They chose this project to investigate the impact on marine life of what we put down our drains. Using cockell and limpet shells and adding common waste products, they observed their shells in class over the last 8 weeks recording any changes they noticed. Working in groups, they put together their findings and observations using written accounts and charts. They presented their project superbly to the judges and visitors to the stand in the RDS and received wonderful feedback.
Tidy Towns Report Contd.:
Residential Streets and Housing Areas:Thank you for the photos showing examples of the work undertaken to maintain to a high standard theresidential properties in Timoleague and it was noted that most residents take great pride in the exterior of theirbuildings, keeping them freshly painted and adding floral displays during the summer season. The recent roadre-surfacing works have really enhanced the presentation of residential streets along Mill Street and Main Street inthe village.
The Chapel Avenue Estate was visited and the wonderful views from this estate across the village rooftopsand Abbey, towards Courtmacsherry Bay were greatly admired. The open space here is maintained to a very goodstandard and the buttercups which were in full flower were particularly pleasing. Private dwellings and gardens inthis estate were very well presented.
Approach roads, Streets and Lanes: It is good to note that the new water/sewage treatment works, which were very disruptive in recent years inthe village, involving a great deal of road works, have now been completed. The fact that all these roads have beenrecently resurfaced by Cork County Council has been a great benefit to the village.
The two new welcome entrance namestones situated on the main approach roads into the village weregreatly admired, as were the information signage provided at various locations.
The Clonakilty approach to the village is characterised by extensive natural vegetation and hedgerowsadjoining the road. The new namestone and Tidy Town sign really enhances this approach to the village. There is asmall yard as one enters the village along this approach which could be enhanced with hedgerow planting along theexisting concrete post and rail boundary fencing here.
The Courtmacsherry approach to Timoleague is characterised by wonderful views towards TimoleagueVillage and the imposing monastic structures of the Abbey. The stone walls along the causeway were greatlyadmired and the approach is enhanced good road surfaces and markings.
On the Kinsale/Bandon approach, the road environs are enhanced with extensive natural vegetation alongthe road boundaries, attractive stone walls along the causeway and good road surfaces and markings