Community notes Jan 28th
January 24, 2023
Timoleague Ploughing Match
The ever popular Timoleague ploughing match which was scheduled to take place on Sunday last was a casualty of the weather unfortunately. The constant rainfall during the week made the ground completely unsuitable for the competitors to display their expertise in the art of ploughing. A new date will be announced in due course.
Tidy Towns Report
The concluding remarks of the adjudicator’s report on Timoleague are as follows:
It was a great pleasure at long last to visit Timoleague on a warm sunny morning - it is an idyllic setting overlookinga beautiful coastal landscape. The traditional colourful streetscape and character in the village has been retained and enhanced, with the great support of local businesses and property owners. You have an active Committee and Timoleague has great potential to progress very well in the competition. We hope you find the comments in the
report helpful and wish you well with your future activities.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
A 7 day pilgrimage to Medjugorje has been announced. A flight departs Cork on Saturday May 20th. Further information can be had by contacting Gerald Madden at (086) 3666514.