Community notes Feb 25th
February 24, 2023
Timoleague Ploughing Match
The 86th. annual ploughing match was held at Beal naDrom, Timoleague on Sunday last on the lands of Colin and Zeabeth Bateman of Barryshall. The weather clerk looked down favourably on the popular local event. Some 37 competitors took part and the hard-working committee, competitors and spectators were loud in their praise of the excellent ploughing conditions on the day. The judges came from Tipperary and Clare and were highly impressed with the standard of ploughing on offer.
If one delves back in history, the very first ploughing match organised by the Timoleague Young Farmers was held at Kilmalooda on the lands of James Hennessy beside Kilmalooda church. It was a historic day on two fronts. It marked the beginning of a long and proud tradition of ploughing by the local committee but it was also the day that the king of England died. Indeed, a lovely anecdote about the day was told by the late parish priest of Timoleague Rev. Dan Hourihane. A young Fr. Dan was a newly appointed as curate at Clogagh and was invited to the ploughing match. He had heard on the radio that morning that The King had died and presumed that the event would be called off. Nonetheless he cycled the two miles to Kilmalooda and to his amazement he found the field full of people and competitors. Years later when he was appointed parish priest of Timoleague in 1970, he looked out his window and saw a ploughing match taking place at Castle-Upper. He remarked, “ye were ploughing when I left and ye were ploughing when I came back”. The link was broken in 2020 and 2021 due to covid, yet Timoleague can be proud of its achievement of holding 86 ploughing matches, unequalled anywhere in County Cork.“God speed the plough”
A Hive of Activity
Early on Sunday morning last, Our Lady’s Well Sports Complex was a hive of activity. First to arrive were the junior footballers who trained under the watchful and expert eyes of Paudie Kissane. Next up was a friendly camogie game between Carbery and Carrigdoun. While all that was in progress, the Ibane Ladies were training in the astroturf. The morning was beautiful and a little away to the south in full panoramic view, competitors were making their way to the ploughing field to partake in their sport of choice for the day. And some say that nothing happens in Timoleague!
Tidy Towns AGM
The annual general meeting of Timoleague Tidy Towns Association will take place on Tuesday night next at The Community Hall at 7.30pm. An annual general meeting of any organisation is the most important meeting of the year. If you have any ideas about enhancing the local community and wish to be part of the silver medal winning organisation, then why not come along and you will be welcomed with open arms. An open invitation is extended to all to attend. There are some new exciting projects in the pipe line for the coming year and new, innovative ideas are always welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.