Community notes March 4th
March 11, 2023
Confirmation at Timoleague
Confirmation was held at The Church of the Nativity of The Blessed Virgin Mary on Tuesday, February 21st. last. Confirmation day is a very special event in the life of a parish and is eagerly awaited every second year.This year the chief celebrant was Bishop Noel O’Regan SMA. Forty- four children from Timoleague National School received the sacrament and three of their classmates also got a special blessing. Eleven children from Clogagh National School also received the sacrament of the Holy Spirit. The church was decorated with art work done by those being confirmed and the prayers of the faithful were in three languages, English, Irish and Polish to reflect the ethnic mix of the confirmandi. The weather behaved itself for their special day. Canon John Kingston of Timoleague thanked all who made the occasion so special. He especially singled out the young students and parents and teachers of both schools who did so much preparation in the lead up to the special day.
Butlerstown Hall Presentation
Ahakeera Drama Group will stage their play, the hilarious comedy "Nobody's Talking to Me" in Butlerstown Hall on Friday March 24th at 8pm.
Pre-booking essential from Majella on 0863415283 or Marian on 0863458764. Tickets are priced at €12.
World Day of Prayer
A World Day of Prayer ceremony will be held at All Saints Church at Kilmalooda on Friday, March 3rd. at 8pm. This is an annual event and last year it took place at The Sacred Heart Church, Courtmacsherry. The background preparation is done by people from a different country each year. This year it is being done by the Christian women of Taiwan. An open invitation is extended to all to attend.