Community notes May 20th
May 17, 2023
Resurfacing Works
Mill Hill has been resurfaced since last week. This major work was carried out in record time and with minimum inconvenience to the general public. All the roads in the village, Mill Street, Main Street and Mill Hill have now been completely resurfaced to the highest standard. I am reliably informed that the final piece of the jig saw, Abbey Street is due to be done over the coming month. This badly needed improvement on the street surface within the village was overdue and a long time coming. It is hoped that the promised village renewal works planned for 2023 will follow.
Station Mass
Now that station masses are no longer celebrated in the home, a station mass will be said in the Timoleague Community Hall on Thursday, May 14th. at 7.30pm.Light refreshments will be served after the mass as people from the different station areas will have an opportunity of meeting up and having a chat.
Week-End Masses
The decline in vocations has resulted in a shortage of priests in all parishes. Over the past few years, the number of masses in all parishes has been reduced. A further reduction over the summer months has just been announced. The following time table for Timoleague and Clogagh for June, July and August may be of interest to mass goers. Saturday Vigil Mass will be available at Timoleague or Courtmacsherry (alternate weeks) at 7.30pm. beginning at Timoleague on June 10th at 7.30pm.
Sunday mass can be attended at Barryroe or Clogagh (alternate weeks) at 10.00am beginning at Clogagh on Sunday June 4th. A full list of times and churches will be available at all masses over the coming weeks.
Anti-Litter Challenge
The annual anti-litter challenge which was a feature of the lead in to the adjudication of the Tidy Towns Competition has been re-introduced after being side-lined due to Covid-19. Judges from Cork County Council will visit Timoleague to see the level of cleanliness of the streets within the village over the coming two months. The first period of judging will take place from May 15th to May 24th. The second period will be from May 29th to June 7th and the final adjudication will take place between June 12th. and June 21st.
House holders and businesses are asked to keep an eye out for any litter that may be in the vicinity of their houses. Members of the local Tidy Towns Association will also be on hand to assist in any clean up that needs to be done. Together we can all make a difference.