Community notes November 11th
November 25, 2023
Tidy Towns
The adjudication report of the 2023 National Tidy Towns Competition will be full published over the coming weeks.
Community - Your Planning and Involvement:
The entry form has been considerably reduced as recommended by a previous adjudicator an this is much appreciated.The photographs are well set out according to categories and are a wonderful depiction of hard work that Timoleague volunteers, young and old, have undertaken over the course of the last year. You have presented four maps which listed local landmarks, future projects, ongoing maintenance and current and new projects. Whilst each map in itself is clear and easy to read, perhaps one larger map with colour coded landmarks and projects and a legend to the side would be more practical. Future projects do not need to be marked on the map.
You have a strong committee of 12 with an additional 50 volunteers who help out on various projects and work days and meitheals. You state that the level of voluntary commitment this year has been exceptional.and this is heartening to note. The sense of community can only be strengthened by this commitment and the open and friendly nature of the Tidy Towns group clearly reflects in the fact that all ages and many people from different countries get involved. This is absolutely the aim the aim and hopes for all villages and towns in the Tidy Towns competition, so very well done. The children in the national school and their families, the GAA, Youth Club and Church Bodies are all willing to help and be involved in projects and tasks so that all can take pride in their community. The support of Cork County Council, especially in relation to the Community Enhancement Scheme and hopefully the Village Renewal Scheme in the future has been of huge benefit to you and the Pobal grant funded through the Department of Rural and Community Development has also been of assistance. You are fortunate to have a person employed through the CE scheme which is no doubt a great help when getting regular tasks completed.
You use various forms of communications, including social media local newspapers and church notices as well as the all important Tidy Towns notice board. This is the most effective way of reaching the highest number of people in the community.
The new Education Garden in the school St up in conjunction with Tidy Towns and GIY is a fantastic project for all involved and you are to be congratulated