Community notes Feb 15th
February 25, 2025
Birdwatch Ireland
The West-Cork branch of Birdwatch Ireland will visit The Educational Garden, Timoleague on Saturday, February 22nd at 11am. Fiona O’Neill and Nicholas Mitchell will be present to provide information on the birds in the estuary at this time of year. Scopes and binoculars will be available to assist in the viewing of the birds that frequent the slob land where The Argideen meets the sea. This event is free and an open invitation is extended to all, especially the children to come along, You may bring your own binoculars if you wish and refreshments will be available at The Cabin afterwards.
Clothes Collection
Timoleague National School Parents Association are presently organising a fundraising clothing collection which will run until March 20th. Everyone is welcome to get involved. The following list of items can be donated: clothing, paired shoes, handbags, hats, scarves, ties, belts or soft toys. Clean folded curtains and bedding will also be accepted in a separate bag. However, duvets, blankets, pillows, cushions, end of life clothing, mobile phones or tablets will not be accepted.You may return your collection bag to Timoleague National School or Timoleague Playschool. Further information can be had by contacting Miriam at (086) 0825129.
School Garden Clean Up
A call has been made to the general public to help to clear the school garden near the entrance steps. This has been a welcome sight for parents, pupils and the general public since its establishment. Now alas, it needs some gentle loving care. A long-awaited revamp is now necessary for future gardening projects to be undertaken.One section will be devoted entirely for biodiversity. If you are free on Saturday next, February15th, “a meitheal” will convene at the school from 11am to 2pm. Please bring along gardening tools and gloves. There are some large plants that need to be removed also and transplanted elsewhere. Refreshments will be served at The Cabin.
Tidy Towns Report Contd.
Streetscape and Public Places: “The streetscape was excellently presented on the day of ourvisit. The Franciscan Friary is a key landmark and tourist attraction. We commend your
efforts here in digitalising the tour booklet. We understand that you are planning on planting
some trees in the Abbey car park as suggested by last year’s adjudicator. We enjoyed our visit
to the Catholic Church. It provides a clear elevated view of the village. The Church is
maintained to a high standard and we are delighted to see that there is wheelchair access also
available. The Anglican church is also impressive. We noted that you have built new toilets in
the Church grounds providing wheelchair access. We wish you well with the continued
conservation and works on the Church of the Ascension. The courthouse is also another
impressive heritage building. We saw that it was recently upgraded. We are pleased to learn
that they have opened a workshop space on the ground floor of this building. The plaque on
the wall is clear and presented to a quality standard. We noted the photo plaques of the old
railway line and station added to the Railway Park. The railway park is a credit to you and we
also commend your efforts on making it wheelchair accessible. The streetscape is presented
to a high standard with many vibrant and freshly painted shopfronts and premises, e g An
Dochtúir on Abbey Street. We appreciate that you are making continued efforts to address the
derelict buildings in the village. We are glad that you have been contacted by the Town
Regeneration office of Cork County Council with regard to vacant properties. We see that
you are in the process of securing funding to build a new community hall. We wish you well
with this project. The village has undergone new road surfacing on the remaining streets. We
see that this has included traffic calming measures providing safety for pedestrians. We are
delighted to see bilingual signage throughout the village.”