Community notes March 8th
March 09, 2025
Ploughing Match
Timoleague ploughing match was held on Sunday last after a number of clashes with weather conditions. It was held on the lands of Niall and Roseline O’Donovan, Garrendruig, by kind permission. The well-appointed venue was in excellent condition for the competitors to showcase their ploughing skills. The site was in an elevated position with panoramic views of all the neighbouring countryside, not to mentionThe Kerry Hills that could be viewed in the distance. This long running event was first held in January 1936 at Kilmalooda in the sloping field beside the church and continues to this day, a tribute to the dedicated committee members over the years who have kept the noble tradition alive. God speed the plough.
Table Quiz
Timoleague Educational Garden will hold their annual fundraising table quiz at Pad Joe’s Bar on Friday, March 7th. beginning at 7pm. Teams of four per table are required and there will be a raffle on the night. The funds raised will go towards the resurfacing of the pathway through the garden. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
World Day of Prayer
A World Day of Prayer will be held at St. Moluada’s Church, Clogagh on Friday, March 7 th. at 8pm. World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement inviting you to join in prayerand action for peace.In March each year over 170 countries join together in a common Day of Prayer so thatpeople worldwide can come closer in fellowship, understanding and action. An openinvitation is extended to all to attend.
Tidy Towns Report (Contd.):
Green Spaces and Landscaping: We were impressed with the picnic area by the water. The furniture is of a quality standard and the area provides a comprehensive view for visitors. Credit is due on ensuring that the seating and the picnic area and street furniture is comprised of sustainable material purchased with grants received from funds. Well done. We're delighted to learn that the children in the national school helped to plant the perennial bulbs at the statue of St Patrick. We see that you purchased new planting furniture including a two-tiered flower planter and two large flower boxes. We acknowledge the work carried out throughout the year in the Timoleague Education Garden. We noted that you have introduced new items of vintage machinery to the green space behind the public toilets. The Molaga memorial stone, planters and seating area on the streetscape are presented to a high standard. We commend you also on the information boards and street signage throughout the village. The information board outlining the history of the Old Railway is impressive.