latest news :

GAA Action

League commencesArgideen Rangers begin a comprehensive football and hurling league campaign this weekend, with at least 18 matches in store over the c..

Lotto results Feb 23rd

GAA Lottery DrawThere was no winner of the Argideen Rangers GAA club lotto jackpot of €6,800 last Sunday night at Charlie Madden's Bar. The numbers ..

Community notes Feb 23rd

Award For Educational GardenTimoleague Educational Garden was nominated for The Mayor’s Community Awards a number of weeks ago by John Michael Foley..

Latest results

Rebel Og West Fe14 Division 1 Football League
09/03/2025 14:00 Newcestown 7-21 2-3 Ibane Gaels
Rebel Og West Fe16 Division 1 Football League
02/03/2025 10:30 O Donovan Rossa 6-6 1-12 Ibane Gaels

club lotto

Upcoming fixtures

Rebel Og West Fe14 Division 1 Football League
23/03/2025 14:00 Ibane Gaels VS Clonakilty
Rebel Og West Fe16 Division 1 Football League
14/04/2025 18:45 Ibane Gaels VS Kinsale
28/04/2025 19:00 Sam Maguires VS Ibane Gaels
Rebel Og West Fe14 Division 1 Football League
02/05/2025 19:00 Bantry Blues VS Ibane Gaels
Rebel Og West Fe16 Division 1 Football League
09/05/2025 19:00 Ibane Gaels VS Newcestown

rebel’s bounty

Pitch/Alley Bookings



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