Lotto results September 26th
September 28, 2021
There was no winner of the Argideen Rangers lottery jackpot of €5,400 on Sunday night last. The numbers drawn were 2, 18, 23 and 30. Consolation prizes of €30 each were won by Gerard O’Sullivan,..
Community Notes Sept 25th
September 21, 2021
Confirmation CeremonyThe long -awaited confirmation ceremony took place at Timoleague church on Friday night last. Covid restrictions caused a long delay with the ceremony this year. However, all that..
Golf Classic
September 21, 2021
Another enjoyable day was had in Clonakilty Golf Club last Friday for the Argideen Rangers 2021 Golf Classic. Weather conditions were superb and the course, as always, was in immaculate condition. The..
Lotto results Sept 19th
September 21, 2021
There was no winner of the Argideen Rangers lotto jackpot of €5,250 which was drawn last Sunday night. The numbers drawn were 11, 15, 20 and 29. Consolation prizes were won by; Ian O' Donovan (087 6..
Community notes September 18th
September 14, 2021
Percy Ryan RIPThe recent death of Percy Ryan MRCVS cast a dark shadow over his adopted and much loved Timoleague and surrounding area. Though not in the best of health towards the end, not even Percyâ..